Monday 5 February 2024

Νέο βιβλίο για την Παναγία μας

A new book on Virgin Mary

On the 4th of March 2024, our institute (IOCS), in partnership with LOI, will host a book launch for Bishop Christopher Cocksworth's new book Mary, Bearer of Life (2023).
"Drawing on careful biblical exegesis, church history and ecumenical thinking, this book suggests how a serious understanding of Mary might influence our ethical thought, and considers some of the key theological tensions at the heart of the Church’s engagement with Mary."
Bishop Christopher Cocksworth is the Dean of Windsor, Church of England. He served as Bishop of Coventry from 2008 to 2023. Prior to becoming bishop, he was a university chaplain and the Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge (2001-2008).
The event will begin with a presentation from the author followed by an ecumenical panel of respondents engaging with the book. The event will take place physically at Wesley House, and online via Zoom.
More details about registration will follow nearer to the event.

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