Wednesday 22 May 2024

From Archbishop Nikitas

Paschal Greetings and Updates

Beloved in the Lord:
Christ is Risen - Χριστός Ανέστη
In the radiant afterglow of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord, I pray that you and your loved ones celebrated a joyous and blessed Pascha.
I wish to extend my gratitude to the clergy who came to the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex on Renewal Saturday, joining me and the monastic community in prayer and celebration of the Divine Liturgy. We hope that this will become an annual event, and that those of you who could not be there this year will consider being present next year.
We are blessed to have recently welcomed several new clergy into our family of the ordained. In the near future, we will host another “Call to the Vocation” evening, to inform and inspire young men who are interested in serving the Church about the work and vision of our Archdiocese.
Our contractor and construction workers are diligently continuing the restoration and renovation of Thyateira House. This project should be completed in the very near future. The work on the Chapel will take longer though, as there have been a number of complications, resulting in delays. There have also been some disappointing and false rumors circulating, claiming that we are in the process of demolishing the Chapel—please know that this is not true. We are very happy to be restoring this historic chapel and taking care to set it on sure foundations for generations to come. Rest assured that this project is in good order and will be seen through to completion. We hope that we will be able to worship and celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the chapel once more by the end of August.
All of this ongoing construction work has meant that we cannot receive visitors to the Archdiocese as we normally would. Until the work is completed, please continue to call ahead and make appointments for any visits to the Archdiocese.
As you know, we have established a policy of transparency and accountability for the Archdiocese. For this reason, by 15 June, we will publish a list of all the Paschal donations and support that we received from the Parishes during this period. This effort underscores our commitment to transparency and is intended to safeguard the integrity of the Archdiocese.
With these few updates, I extend my warmest greetings and prayers to each of you and your communities for a joyful remainder of Eastertide.
May the grace and light of the Resurrection keep you in health, strength, and wisdom as you serve the people of God.
With paternal blessings,
Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain
Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain | Ecumenical Patriarchate

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