Friday 28 June 2024

Greek for Adults in Bristol

Dear all, 

We're delighted to announce that The Hellenic School of St. Peter & St. Paul, Bristol, has put together Greek Lessons for Adults.
Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, these lessons are designed to make learning Greek accessible and enjoyable.  
How to Join: Spaces are limited, so we will be operating on a first-come, first-served basis. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity! Sign up to secure your spot. 
What to Expect:
·        Structured Curriculum: Comprehensive lessons covering reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
·        Cultural Insights: Dive into Greek culture, traditions, and history.
·        Engaging Activities: Interactive exercises and practical conversations.
·        Experienced Instructors: Learn from qualified and passionate teachers.
Who Can Join? Adults of all proficiency levels. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming to improve your fluency, there’s a place for you.
Dates, Times and Cost:  
o   Beginner Lessons every Wednesday 18:00 – 20:00 Term time only
o   Improvement Lessons every Tuesday 18:00 – 20:00 Term Time only
·        Location:  The Hellenic School of St. Peter & St. Paul, Bristol, The Old Vicarage, Claremont Street, Easton, BS5 0UL
·        Cost: £150 per term (pre-paid sessions)
·        Starding Wednesday 9th October 24
We can't wait to help you start or continue your journey of learning Greek.

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