Friday 7 June 2024

Ορθόδοξη Παράδοση στην Αγγλία

Experience the Christian Orthodox Tradition:
An Ecumenical Encounter

Το Ινστιτούτο Ορθόδοξων Χριστιανικών Σπουδών, που έχει έδρα στο Κέϊμπριτζ, οργανώνει προσεχώς στο Λονδίνο μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα ημερίδα. Η σχετική ανακοίνωση έχει ως εξής:
Join us on 3 August to learn about and experience the Christian Orthodox tradition with the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies.
Date and time
Saturday, August 3 · 10am - 4pm GMT+1
Southwark Cathedral London SE1 9DA
6 hours
Learn more about the rich history and traditions of the Orthodox Church community.
Come and immerse yourself in a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere at one of the most iconic landmarks in the city.
Running order
10am: Doors open
10:30: Welcome
10:40: Introduction to the Orthodox Church by Father Dragos Herescu & Revd Dr John Binns
Father Dragos Herescu is the Principal of IOCS. He is also teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level on the degree programmes offered through the Institute and the Cambridge Theological Federation. He is also an Affiliated Lecturer of the Divinity Faculty, University of Cambridge. An alumnus of the Institute’s MA in Pastoral Theology, Father Dragos later graduated an MPhil in Theology with the Divinity Faculty, University of Cambridge. He is in the last stage of completing a doctoral thesis with Durham University, on the secularisation paradigm in the context of Eastern Orthodoxy, with particular focus on the Romanian context. Fr Dragos serves as parish priest for ‘St John the Evangelist’ Romanian Orthodox parish in Cambridge.
Revd Dr John Binns has combined research and writing with ministry as a priest in the church of England. He was parish priest of Great St Mary’s the University Church Cambridge for 23 years, where he provided care and support for researchers in the university as well as developing the life of the church in central Cambridge. Since a six month period studying in the Serbian Orthodox Theological Faculty of Belgrade University in 1974, he has been involved in various kinds of ecumenical work and research in the field of east-west church relations. He has visited and lectured in several Orthodox countries including Israel/Palestine, Russia and Romania. He was a founding director of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge where he remains a Visiting Professor. In addition he is chair of trustees of Partners for Change Ethiopia and the Aradin trust supporting churches in Iraq. His publications include an Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches (Cambridge University Press 2002) and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church a History (I B Tauris 2017).
11:30: Break
11:40: ICONS AND PENTECOST: Icons as a gate to the strange homeland of heaven by Aidan Hart
Aidan Hart has been a professional iconographer for over forty years, with works in over twenty-five countries of the world. Recent commissions include the design of the Anointing Screen for the King’s Coronation. He is also a speaker and writer, his most recent book being Festal Icons, and has often appeared in the media to speak about icons, including the BBC Radio 4 series The Creation of an Icon. He is director and tutor for the Icon Painting Certificate programme for the King’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts, and is a Research Associate of the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge.
12:40: Lunch
Opportunity for participants to visits stalls (list forthcoming)
2pm: Archbishop Angaelos of London

On 18 November 2017, His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos was enthroned as the first Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, having served as General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom since 1999. In addition to this new role, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, has also seen it fit that he continue representing the Church in the United Kingdom at the ecumenical and official level as Papal Legate, and thus conferred him with the ecclesial title of Archbishop of London.
Having commenced his pastoral ministry in the United Kingdom in 1995 as a parish priest, Archbishop Angaelos was consecrated a General Bishop in 1999 by His Holiness, the late Pope Shenouda III, with whom he served as private secretary. He was Proclaimed Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, and the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church during a historic service at St Bishoy Monastery in Wadi-El-Natrun, Egypt.
Archbishop Angaelos was born in Egypt and emigrated to Australia in his early childhood with his family. After obtaining his degree in Political Science, Philosophy and Sociology, he continued on to postgraduate studies in law while working in the same field. In 1990 he returned to Egypt to the Monastery of St Bishoy in Wadi-El-Natroun where he was consecrated a monk by the late Pope Shenouda III and served as his private secretary until 1995 when he was delegated to serve in the United Kingdom. He was proclaimed Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London on 11 November 2017 in Egypt, and enthroned over the new Diocese on 18 November 2017 at the Cathedral of Saint George in England.
2:45pm: Panel event – conclusions
3:45pm: Break
4pm: Vespers
5pm: End
The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies is the Orthodox house of theological studies in the ancient university city of Cambridge, England. It is a full member of the Cambridge Theological Federation. As a member of the Federation, the Institute works in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Cambridge.
The Institute was founded in 1999 with the blessing of all Orthodox hierarchs in Western Europe. IOCS has rejoiced in having among its guest lecturers and supporters such illustrious teachers as Revd Prof Andrew Louth, Revd Dr John Jillions, Dr Elizabeth Theokritoff, Revd Prof Peter Bouteneff, Archimandrites Symeon and Zacharias of St John the Baptist’s Monastery (Essex), and the late Metropolitans Kallistos of Diokleia, Antony of Sourozh and John Zizioulas.
Established in an ecumenical context, the Institute trains clergy and laity to cooperate, dialogue and share with other Christians, in propagating together the Christian message to an increasingly secular and pluralist world. Its particular mission is to bring its rich Orthodox tradition in dialogue with today’s modern society, responding to the challenging questions of our times.It is – as the Institute likes to call themselves – a ‘house of generous Orthodoxy’.
Serving the Orthodox Church
The Institute serves the Orthodox Church as a whole and is governed by a Board of Directors with representatives from the various Orthodox Churches in Great Britain. There is nothing quite like the Institute elsewhere in the world. Because it is pan-Orthodox, located in a major international academic hub, and includes both lay and ordained people, the Institute can serve the Orthodox Church in a unique way.

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