Saturday, 28 June 2014

Πίστη και Λογική

O Διευθυντής Σπουδών του Ινστιτούτου Ορθόδοξων Χριστιανικών Σπουδών του Κέϊμπριτζ Δρ. Χριστοφόρος Schneider θα είναι σήμερα ο ομιλητής στη μηνιαία Ημέρα Κοινοτικών Διαλέξεων του Ινστιτούτου. Το θέμα της Ημέρας είναι: «Προς μια Ορθόδοξη Κατανόηση Πίστης και Λογικής - Towards an Orthodox Understanding of Faith and Reason».

This Community Lecture Day will look at the relationship between faith and reason. The following questions will be addressed:

Are faith and reason mutually exclusive? Does reason need to be subordinated to faith or vice versa? Or, are faith and reason distinct epistemic sources that are mutually interdependent? The first lecture will give an overview of how the relationship between faith and reason has been conceived in the modern and post-modern era. The second lecture will discuss a number of contemporary Orthodox approaches. How do different Orthodox thinkers interpret the Byzantine heritage? What is the relationship between Orthodox theology and 20th-century philosophy? The lectures have an introductory character and do not presuppose any knowledge about this topic. 

The programme of the Community Lecture Day will be:

10.30-11.00: Welcome coffee
11.00-12.30 - First Lecture: 'Religious Rationalism and Irrationalism'
12.30-14.30: Lunch
14.30-16.00 - Second Lecture: 'Orthodox Approaches to Faith and Reason'
16.00-16.30: Tea
Vespers from 16.30-17.30

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