Tuesday 8 October 2024

Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox

We are delighted to announce a forthcoming IOCS talk by esteemed scholar Dr Christine Chaillot on the theme of “What future for the dialogue between the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches?”, on Wednesday 23 October, between 5-6pm. This is both a physical event taking place at Wesley House in Cambridge and online via Zoom.

Dr Christine Chaillot is the Swiss author of numerous articles and books on the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Churches in the fields of history, theology and spirituality, notably Vie et spiritualité des Églises orthodoxes orientales des traditions syriaque, arménienne, copte et éthiopienne (Le Cerf, Paris, 2010), The Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century (Peter Lang, Oxford, 2011, Les Coptes d’Égypte. Discriminations et persécutions (1970-2011) (L’Harmattan, Paris, 2014), The Theological Dialogue Between the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches (Volos, 2016), The Assyrian Church of the East. History and Geography (Peter Lang, Oxford, 2021), The Traditional Teaching of the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahedo Church, (Lit Verlag, 2023). Her books have been translated into eleven languages.
To book your place at the event in Cambridge, please visit this link. (Alternatively, you can email us at info@iocs.cam.ac.uk).
Dr Razvan Porumb
Director of Research and Vice-Principal
The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies
31 Jesus Lane, Wesley House
Cambridge CB5 8BJ

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